Choose Application from the Preferences submenu (Options menu) to display the Application Preferences dialog.
Step 2
To automatically hot link new graphs you create to their source data, turn on the Hot Link To Data check box.
Step 3
To create graphs using preselected data in a data window, turn on the Use Data Selection check box.
Step 4
To automatically create new graphs without using the New Graph dialog, turn on the Bypass Dialog check box.
Note: The Use Data Selection check box must be turned on to use Bypass Dialog.
Step 5
Choose one of the following from the first pop-up menu under Graph Creation:
• Choose Create New Window to create new graphs in a new graph window.
• Choose Use Active Window to create new graphs in the active graph window.
Step 6
Choose one of the following from the second pop-up menu under Graph Creation:
• Choose Use Default Format to apply the application's default format to new graphs.
• Choose Use Previous Format to apply the previously-selected format for the selected graph type to new graphs.
Step 7
To reduce a moveable dialog to its title bar when you click Show, turn on the Show and Shrink check box.
• If Show and Shrink is turned off, you can shrink a dialog by Option-clicking Show.
Step 8
To hide a dialog when you click a button that displays a subdialog, turn on the Hide Parent check box.
Step 9
To automatically open all hot-linked data windows when you open a hot-linked graph window, turn on the Auto-Open Linked Data check box.
Step 10
Click OK to save your preferences in the CA-Cricket Graph III Prefs file in the System Folder. If you’re using System 7.0, the Prefs file is saved in the Preferences folder in your System Folder.